Machu Picchu, Peru

Hosting a wellness retreat in Peru

Peru is a vibrant country with diverse landscapes, cultural wealth, and elevated gastronomy. From the mountains to the bustling cities, there are endless activities to explore. Learn how you can create the perfect wellness retreat in this amazing locale.

In the heart of South America, among the majestic Andes mountains and the verdant Amazon rainforest, lies Peru — an unexpected haven for holistic wellness and spiritual awakening. As our world continues to be dominated by technology and incessant pace, more individuals are seeking respite in the ancient traditions and natural splendors of Peru, an increasingly popular destination for wellness retreats. The allure of Peru goes far beyond the breathtaking landscape; it offers a unique blend of traditional healing methods, rich cultural heritage, and pristine natural environments conducive to rejuvenation of mind, body, and soul.

This article will delve into the ins and outs of hosting a wellness retreat in this ethereal locale, from planning stages to execution, including essential insights on how to integrate the local culture into your wellness offerings. Whether you’re a wellness professional or an enthusiast looking to host a unique and transformative experience, join us as we journey into the heart of Peru and explore the path to creating a truly memorable wellness retreat.

Best time to go to Peru

Peru’s diverse topography, ranging from coastal plains to towering mountains and expansive rainforest, makes for a complex climate with different ideal times to visit depending on your retreat’s focus and location within the country.

Ica, Peru
Viajante Dibujero via Pixabay

If your retreat is taking place along the coastal regions, including the capital city of Lima, you’ll find the summer months (December to March) to be warm and sunny, with temperatures around 28 – 31°C (82 – 88°F), ideal for beach and ocean-based wellness activities.

For retreats centered in the mountainous regions like the Sacred Valley, home to many spiritual and wellness retreats, or Cusco, the gateway to Machu Picchu, the dry season from May to September is most suitable. During these months, the days are sunny and clear, with cooler temperatures of 14 – 24°C (57 – 75°F), perfect for outdoor yoga sessions, meditation, or mindful hikes.

Locals in the mountains of Peru
KinEnriquez via Pixabay

Meanwhile, if the lush, biodiverse backdrop of the Amazon rainforest aligns with your retreat vision, it’s important to note that the region experiences high rainfall throughout the year. However, the driest period, from June to September, tends to be the best time to visit.

Peruvian rainforest
Tadd and Debbie Ottman via Wikimedia Commons

Regardless of when you choose to host your retreat in Peru, keep in mind that country’s charm lies in its diversity — the vibrant local culture and traditions, ancient spiritual practices, and the rich biodiversity persist all year round, creating a unique environment for a transformative wellness experience. Planning your retreat in Peru according to the seasonality of each region will help ensure that your participants have the best possible experience, with the optimal weather conditions to facilitate the full spectrum of your wellness activities.

Location, accommodations and amenities

When considering Peru for a wellness retreat, you have a wealth of choices when it comes to location, amenities, and all the extras. Check out the options below to help you match the retreat vibe with the location’s atmosphere, connecting to the local culture and environment whenever possible.

Sacred Valley retreat
Silvia Fang via Unsplash

Throughout Peru, you can choose from the following accommodation types:

  • Traditional hotels: From the big cities to the Sacred Valley, Peru features a variety of traditional hotels with everything you need for a comfortable retreat. Some offer meeting spaces that can be used for workshops, yoga, and fitness.
  • High-end resorts and retreat centers: Luxury properties with modern amenities and green spaces that can cater to wellness groups of all sizes are available throughout Peru, especially in the Sacred Valley and Amazon areas. However, these options can be much pricier than the others.
  • Boutique hotels and guesthouses: Intimate with posh vibes or traditional simplicity, guest houses and smaller hotels can offer a true glimpse into Peruvian daily life. Some feature spaces and rates for wellness groups, but these accommodation types typically cater to smaller groups.
  • Eco-lodges: Within the natural splendor of Peru in areas like the Sacred Valley, Aguas Calientes, and the Amazon, you’ll find sustainable properties that directly coincide with the natural world. Some are high-end with modern amenities, while others focus on sustainability and immerse you in nature at every turn.
Cusco boutique hotel
Julianza via Pixabay

When it comes to food and amenities for a wellness retreat in Peru, you’ll be spoiled for choice:

  • Food options: Most properties include breakfast, but some retreat spaces and options like camping or the Amazon will include all meals. Vegan/vegetarian spreads are typically available upon request. Food choices can range from traditional fare to elevated dishes of the country. Peru is a great option for focusing on nutrition and the power of indigenous foods.
  • Exploration and adventure activities: Along with stellar food, most areas feature city tours, trips to archeological sites, and adventure activities, such as day/overnight hikes, zip-lining, horseback riding, and more.
  • Cultural connections: You’ll find an array of cultural activities near all accommodation options, such as cooking classes, village visits, family dinners, craft workshops, and much more.

While there are a wealth of possibilities when it comes to location choice, here are a few top options when creating a wellness retreat in Peru. These options welcome groups large and small (depending on accommodation choice) and offer an array of lodging and activities to ensure you and your community have a stellar experience from beginning to end.


Coastal bliss meets historic sites in the capital city of Lima.

Coastline of Lima, Peru
Willian Justen de Vasconcellos via Unsplash

Vibe: Historic sites, ancient ruins & museums, world-renowned gastronomy, shopping & markets

Pricing: $ – $$$

Lima, the capital city of Peru, provides an enchanting fusion of modern city life with an undercurrent of rich history and tradition, all situated along the stunning Pacific coastline. Hosting a wellness retreat in Lima gives participants access to not just the bustling city’s amenities, but also the serene ocean views, sandy beaches, and the famed Costa Verde — a coastal stretch offering tranquil settings ideal for group activities such as sunrise yoga, meditative beach walks, or mindfulness workshops.

Moreover, Lima’s diverse cityscape provides an abundance of wellness activities that extend beyond the traditional. Participants could indulge in healthy Peruvian cuisine at award-winning restaurants, explore the city’s colonial architecture on foot, or immerse themselves in healing arts at local art museums and galleries. The city’s botanic gardens offer perfect settings for mindfulness walks, while the ancient Huaca Pucllana pyramid in Miraflores can serve as a backdrop for historical tours, providing a deeper understanding of Peru’s cultural roots.

The mix of urban excitement and tranquil, natural beauty make Lima an ideal and versatile location for a wellness retreat, enabling hosts to create a unique, holistic experience that combines physical well-being, mental relaxation, and cultural immersion.


History tours, gastro-centered fun, and coastal adventures await.

Plaza de Armas, Lima, Peru
Jhordy Rojas via Unsplash
  • City tours (Coastline & various districts, historic center, churches, ruins, museums)
  • Cooking class (In-home or at a restaurant)
  • Restaurants, cafes & nightlife (High-end platings to local street food)
  • Shopping and markets
  • Water sports & activities
  • Art & museums


The former Inca Capital — a treasure trove of history, culture, and tradition.

Cusco, Peru
Raul Varela via Unsplash

Vibe: Ancient history, local culture, markets & crafts, food & fun

Pricing: $ – $$

Cusco, once the heart of the ancient Incan Empire, boasts an unparalleled fusion of indigenous culture, spirituality, and awe-inspiring natural beauty. This historical city is nestled high in the Andes, offering a breath-taking panorama of mountain peaks, deep valleys, and tranquil, blue skies. Wellness retreats in Cusco offer participants the opportunity to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of modern life and reconnect with nature and their inner selves in one of the most spiritual places on Earth.

The city’s rich cultural and spiritual heritage provides a unique platform for transformative wellness activities. You could organize guided meditations in the sacred ruins of Sacsayhuaman or Qorikancha, or plan yoga sessions that align with the sunrise over these historical sites. Guided hikes to Ausangate Mountain, one of the most revered peaks in Incan mythology, offer the perfect setting for introspective journeys and physical challenges. Plus, immersive experiences with local Andean communities offer insight into ancient healing rituals and practices, allowing participants to engage with wellness on a deeply spiritual level.

Cusco’s magical blend of history, spirituality, and natural beauty makes it a truly extraordinary location for a wellness retreat, promising an unforgettable experience of personal growth and spiritual discovery.


From historic sites to marketplace energy, Cusco has a wealth of activities to enjoy.

Cusco, Peru
  • City tours
  • Ancient ruins
  • Food & craft markets
  • Authentic gastronomy
  • Day-trips to the mountains for hiking

Sacred Valley

The heart and soul of the Inca world — mountains, ruins, and local immersions.

Moray terraces, Sacred Valley
Carlos Olaizola via Unsplash

Vibe: Ancient ruins, cultural immersions, sacred landscapes

Pricing: $ – $$$

The Sacred Valley, stretching from the bustling town of Pisac to the historical site of Ollantaytambo, is a serene sanctuary nestled amidst the grandeur of the Andes. Known to the Incas as the ‘breadbasket of the empire’, this fertile valley is now a haven for those seeking tranquility, spiritual enlightenment, and deep connection with nature. Hosting a wellness retreat in the Sacred Valley offers participants a unique opportunity to absorb the restorative energy of the Andes while immersing themselves in an environment that has fostered physical and spiritual wellness for centuries.

The valley is dotted with quaint towns and ancient ruins, presenting a rich tapestry of activities for a wellness retreat. You can schedule yoga sessions amidst the tranquil terraces of Moray, believed to be an Inca agricultural laboratory, or organize meditative walks along the Urubamba River, letting the soothing sound of its flow instill tranquility in participants. The local artisan market in Pisac can be a fascinating destination for a mindful excursion, allowing retreat-goers to connect with local culture and traditions. Furthermore, guided tours to the salt pans of Maras could form part of a wellness narrative, discussing the healing properties of the locally harvested pink salt.

With its breath-taking landscape, profound tranquility, and vibrant culture, the Sacred Valley provides an exceptional setting for a wellness retreat that aims to nurture the body, calm the mind, and awaken the spirit.


Mountains, sacred ruins, and interactive workshops will fill your time and heart.

Weaving in the Sacred Valley, Peru
Pamela Huber via Unsplash
  • City & market tours
  • Ancient ruins (Pisac, Ollantaytambo, Moray, etc.)
  • Sacred rituals (coca leaf readings, fire ceremonies, etc.)
  • Authentic gastronomy
  • Cultural immersions (family dinners, cooking classes, craft demonstrations, etc.)

Aguas Calientes

Hot springs and history — visiting the town at the base of Machu Picchu.

Aguas Calientes, Peru
Giancarlo Revolledo via Unsplash

Vibe: Ancient sites, hot springs, local charm, away from the world

Pricing: $ – $$

Aguas Calientes, also known as Machu Picchu Pueblo, is a small town tucked away in the cloud forest at the foot of the mountain housing the world-renowned Incan citadel, Machu Picchu. This remote and picturesque town, accessible only by train or on foot, offers a truly secluded and tranquil environment, making it an ideal location for a wellness retreat aimed at deep relaxation, introspection, and connection with nature’s grandeur.

One of the most prominent features of Aguas Calientes are the natural hot springs from which the town gets its name. These thermal baths, rich in minerals, provide an idyllic setting for therapeutic bathing and relaxation sessions, aligning with the wellness objectives of rejuvenation and healing. Participants could also partake in morning meditation or yoga sessions with the mystical Huayna Picchu or Putucusi mountains in the backdrop. Guided nature walks through the lush, biodiverse cloud forest allow for immersive experiences in the soothing sounds and sights of nature, promoting mindfulness and stress reduction. Moreover, the opportunity to visit the iconic Machu Picchu site, just a short bus ride away, offers a unique cultural and spiritual experience that can heighten the sense of connectedness and inner peace.

By hosting a wellness retreat in Aguas Calientes, and or passing through for a night or two, you offer participants not only a chance to engage in various restorative activities but also a once-in-a-lifetime experience in one of the world’s most iconic spiritual destinations.


From Machu Picchu to mountain hikes, this area is a must-see on any Peru retreat.

Machu Picchu, Peru
Willian Justen de Vasconcellos via Unsplash
  • Macchu Picchu tours
  • Trekking and or camping along the Inca Trail
  • Hot springs
  • White water rafting

The Amazon

Away from the world, nature heals all.

Amazon, Peru
jcastrosan via Pixabay

Vibe: Nature & wildlife, local immersions, eco-friendly activities

Pricing: $ – $$

Hosting a wellness retreat in the heart of the Peruvian Amazon, one of the most biodiverse places on Earth, is an invitation to a transformative journey towards holistic wellness and deep ecological awareness. This lush, green paradise provides a rare and valuable opportunity to disconnect from the digital world and reconnect with our planet’s life-giving pulse. The immersive natural environment, filled with vibrant wildlife and vast rainforest, can foster a deep sense of peace, grounding, and appreciation for our interconnectedness with nature.

In the Amazon, wellness activities can blend seamlessly with the exploration of this incredible ecosystem. Canopy walks and guided jungle tours not only provide physical exercise but also inspire mindfulness, as participants tune into the myriad of sights, sounds, and smells of the forest. Engaging with local indigenous communities can also play a significant role in a wellness retreat, with opportunities to learn about traditional plant medicine, partake in spiritual ceremonies, and gain a profound understanding of their symbiotic relationship with the forest. Additionally, calming boat rides on the Amazon River can serve as meditative practices, with the rhythmic lapping of water against the boat fostering a sense of tranquility.

Hosting a wellness retreat in the Amazon offers an unforgettable, life-affirming experience that fuses physical wellness, mental calm, spiritual growth, and environmental consciousness.


Cultural immersions and jungle treks abound in the lungs of the planet.

Amazonas floating village, Iquitos
Sascha Grabow via Wikimedia Commons
  • Boat tours
  • Nature tours and hikes
  • Cultural immersions (Meeting with locals for meals, craft demonstrations, etc.)
  • Spiritual ceremonies

Other options in Peru

Hosting a retreat in Peru offers a wealth of options when it comes to location, and most choose to see two or more during their travels. Here are a few other options when it comes to planning a retreat in Peru.

Hiking the Inca Trail

Woman hiking the Inca Trail
KAL VISUALS via Unsplash

Hiking the Inca Trail in Peru is a challenging, yet immensely rewarding, outdoor experience that blends physical exertion, historical exploration, and cultural immersion. Spanning 26 miles through high mountain terrain, cloud forests, and lush subtropical jungle, the Inca Trail offers travelers a chance to visit ancient Inca ruins, enjoy breathtaking panoramas, and witness the splendor of the final destination, Machu Picchu.

Within the context of a wellness retreat, this activity offers an unparalleled opportunity to disconnect from daily routines and reconnect with nature, promoting mental clarity, physical health, and spiritual growth. The journey tests physical limits while encouraging mindfulness, resilience, and camaraderie among fellow hikers. This blend of physical challenge, natural beauty, and historical richness makes the Inca Trail an inspiring addition to any wellness journey.

Nazca Lines

Nazca Lines in Peru
monikawl999 via Pixabay

Visiting the Nazca Lines in Peru presents a unique opportunity to witness one of the world’s most enduring archaeological mysteries. These large geoglyphs, etched into the arid plains of the Pampas de Jumana, depict an array of animals, plants, and geometric figures that can only be fully appreciated from above. The experience provides an awe-inspiring connection to an ancient civilization, invoking deep contemplation about our place in the vast expanse of human history.

Within a wellness retreat context, this activity can enhance our sense of connection, humility, and wonder, fostering a profound respect for our ancestors and the natural world. The Nazca Lines remind us of the power of perspective, offering a fitting metaphor for personal introspection and transformation that underscores the broader goals of wellness and self-improvement.

Huacachina in Ica

Huacachina in Ica, Peru
Clotina via Pixabay

Visiting Huacachina, a captivating oasis nestled amidst the vast desert dunes of Ica, offers a unique blend of serenity and adventure in Peru. Known as the “Oasis of America,” Huacachina provides an idyllic setting for relaxation, its tranquil lagoon and lush greenery forming a stark contrast against the towering sand dunes. The oasis is also a hub for adrenaline-inducing activities like sandboarding and dune buggy rides.

In the context of a wellness retreat, Huacachina serves as a symbol of resilience and thriving amidst adversity, reinforcing the importance of finding one’s inner oasis of calm and strength amidst life’s challenges. The combination of reflective tranquility and adventurous activities can help individuals strike a balance between relaxation and exhilaration, promoting holistic wellbeing and a fuller, more engaged approach to life.

Lake Titicaca & the Uros Islands

Uros Island, Lake Titicaca
Sandro Ayalo via Unsplash

Visiting Lake Titicaca and the Uros Islands in Peru is an immersive encounter with natural beauty and cultural heritage. Nestled in the Andean highlands, Lake Titicaca, the world’s highest navigable lake, mesmerizes with its deep blue waters contrasted by the surrounding snow-capped mountains. The Uros Islands, a group of floating reed islands inhabited by the Uros people, offer a glimpse into a way of life that has preserved traditional customs for centuries.

As part of a wellness retreat, this visit encourages a deepened appreciation for simplicity, sustainability, and the interconnectedness of human societies and the environment. The tranquility of the lake, the sustainable living practices of the Uros people, and the opportunity to disconnect from modern distractions collectively foster mental clarity, mindfulness, and a balanced perspective on life. This serene environment can help individuals focus on self-reflection and personal growth, vital elements in the pursuit of holistic wellness.

Budget, pricing and markups

The first thing to consider when planning a destination wellness retreat in Peru is the price. Ask yourself these three questions to get started:

  • What can your community afford to pay?
  • What is your community willing to pay when it comes to a retreat?
  • What type of location, services, and amenities will they expect?
Woman on Inca Trail
Peter Conlan via Unsplash

Peru can be a cheaper destination option, but cost boils down to two points: accommodation choice and markup. Most modern retreat spaces in the country are more expensive, leading to a higher base price.

Accommodation choice: There are a lot of affordable options in Peru, with beautiful hotels and eco-lodges that offer all-inclusive packages. For most locations, you can spend anywhere between 1200 USD and 1500 USD. However, the larger and or more luxury accommodations, especially those centers geared toward wellness, will be more money, ranging anywhere from 1800 USD to 2500 USD. The price will also increase if you’re changing locations or making multiple day trips.

Markup: Within your pricing, you also want to consider your markup. Are you planning to take a large portion for your time, or are you considering a smaller fee with the option of add-ons to make a cut? You can create a stellar itinerary in Peru for relatively cheap, leaving you a solid profit margin, depending on your community’s budget. Consider all the angles after you’ve decided on your accommodation.

If hosting a wellness retreat in Peru seems like the right choice for you, let’s get planning! Reach out to us with any questions, and we will help you create the perfect wellness itinerary in this magnificent country.

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