Interview with Mirha Masala

On becoming a front-end developer at TourHero: An interview with Mirha Masala

With a love for travel and a passion for picking up new skills, Mirha Masala fits right into the TourHero family. Here, she shares with us the experiences she’s had this year!
Interview with Mirha Masala

Mirha Masala is a force to be reckoned with. Her motivation for learning new things has certainly played a part in opening many doors, especially after she picked up a valuable skillset in the coding world. It is a skill that would ultimately come to fit perfectly into her work-and-travel lifestyle.

We’ve asked Mirha to tell us a little bit about the journey she took to get to where she is now, and to also give us some valuable insights into her developer role at TourHero. Here’s what Mirha has to share!

Hello Mirha! First, a quick introduction. When did you start working at TourHero and what is your current role?

Mirha: I joined TourHero as a front-end developer in April this year.

Do tell us more about the path you took to get here! What did your journey look like before you joined the TourHero family?

Mirha: About two years ago, I signed up for Le Wagon‘s coding boot camp in Bali. One week after graduating, I got my first freelance gig. That’s how it all started. After that, I worked as a front-end dev for a web agency in Singapore and taught code at Le Wagon in Bali, Singapore, and Barcelona. Before becoming a developer, I was a blogger (I did a five-year project trying out 12 different lifestyles while traveling). I still write, but it’s for fun nowadays.

What made you join TourHero?

Mirha: It was a combination of reasons. I loved the chance to work on a Rails project and deepen my knowledge with this framework. There was also the promise of working with a front-end framework, like Vue.js or React, which meant the front-end work would be quite exciting.

Also, the team consists of a group of very creative individuals. Videographers and writers who I felt I’d connect with easily. Furthermore, the founders weren’t new to the startup world, and I trusted they would succeed again. And obviously, I’m crazy about travel.

Interview with Mirha Masala

Can you give us a little insight into your role as TourHero’s front-end developer?

Mirha: At TourHero, I have immediate insight into our product requirements. I get to ideate and propose solutions on how to best implement the front-end features. I also provide design mock-ups, and in general, I do my best to write reusable code and refactor when necessary to make it easier to scale with time. And since we have a small team, I sometimes get to dabble in the deep, dark back.

On work culture, what’s different about working at TourHero compared to anywhere else you’ve worked?

Mirha: We have quite a fantastic content team. It’s always a joy to read their articles and see their video and photography campaigns. They’re super creative and excellent at what they do. I also love that everyone pursues their creative passions outside of work as well.

What is the greatest challenge you’ve had to face this year, and how did you overcome it?

Mirha: Being miles away from my parents while my dad went through a severe case of COVID-19 put “greatest challenge” and life in quite the perspective. Those were by far the longest weeks of this year. 

It took me a while to accept that COVID-19 was here to stay. But once I did, more or less, I decided to increase my good habits and self-care rituals and make this year one of growth.

I try to focus on the things I do have in my life, each day taking note of what I’m grateful for. I go out for sunrise morning walks, meditate, and do tiny yoga sessions. I doubled down on reading and learning. I started The Knitting Club with friends (spoiler alert: there’s no knitting involved). And this year, more than any other, I’ve been sending people thank you notes, postcards, and little gifts, letting them know they’ve had an impact in my life and that they’re loved and appreciated. And yes, I call my parents more often.

As 2020 comes to a close, what would you say is the most interesting thing you’ve learned so far on your journey with TourHero?

Mirha: I used to want to do everything vanilla — doing as much as I could with pure CSS, and if really necessary, a sprinkle of vanilla JS. At TourHero, I had my intro into Vue.js, and I’m afraid I’m spoiled forever. It’s so much fun to work with, and it makes for one happy front-end dev.

Do you have a favorite coding quote?

Mirha: “When you are struggling to follow… do not jump to any conclusions about your own capabilities. You are fine — you just need to keep at it.” – Marijn Haverbeke, Eloquent JS

Read more Life at TourHero interviews:

On the job: Yuri Koval’ov talks about his role as Head of Engineering at TourHero

Inside TourHero: Marketing apprentice Rohit reflects on his journey with us

About TourHero

TourHero is a social travel platform that enables you to travel with like-minded people and fall in love with the journey. We work closely with handpicked local operators to ensure every experience curated is unique and exclusive to your travel group. Come with us on epic adventures and create memories that last a lifetime!

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